zaterdag 11 juli 2009

Shellshock 2: Blood Trails - Day One Host - Gameplay

Shellshock 2: Blood Trails - Day Two - Refuge - Gameplay

Call of Duty 5: World at War - Little Resistance - Mission 2 - Gameplay

Call of Duty 5: World at War - Nazi Zombie - Solo - Part 1/2

Call of Duty 5: World at War - Nazi Zombie - Solo - Part 2/2

Defense Grid The Awakening Demo - Mission 4 - Gameplay - Part 1/3

Defense Grid The Awakening Demo - Mission 4 - Gameplay - Part 2/3

Defense Grid The Awakening Demo - Mission 4 - Gameplay - Part 3/3

NecroVisioN Demo - Chapter 2 - The Fortress - Gameplay 1/5

NecroVisioN Demo - Chapter 2 - The Fortress - Gameplay 3/5

NecroVisioN Demo - Chapter 2 - The Fortress - Gameplay 4/5

NecroVisioN Demo - Chapter 2 - The Fortress - Gameplay - 2/5

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. - Demo - GamePlay

NecroVisioN Demo - Chapter 2 - The Fortress - Gameplay 5/5

Watchmen: The End Is Nigh - Demo - Chapter 1 - Gameplay 1/2

Watchmen: The End Is Nigh - Demo - Chapter 1 - Gameplay 2/2

Wanted: Weapons of Fate - Demo - Gameplay - Tutorial 1

Wanted Weapons of Fate - curving bullets training- Demo - Gameplay

Battlefield Heroes Beta Gameplay

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Gameplay part 1

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Gameplay part 2

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Gameplay part 3

Mass Effect - Gameplay part 1

Mass Effect is an action role-playing game developed by BioWare for Xbox 360 and then ported to Microsoft Windows by Demiurge Studios.

Main story line:
In this game you are playing shepard.
You were on a mission for retreival of a beacon on eden prime together with Nihles and a team. Nihles went ahead and got killed by saren.
Saren got at the alien becon first but you still got there and the becon gave you visions. The becon got destroyed by itself after that.
Nobody believed the story and you got proof while being on the citadel. Saren lost his spectre status and you became a spectre.
Your main goal now is to go after the roque spectre saren and take him down.

This video starts at this point and you're on your way to the docks to see your new ship.

Mass Effect - Gameplay part 2

Mass Effect is an action role-playing game developed by BioWare for Xbox 360 and then ported to Microsoft Windows by Demiurge Studios.

Demigod - Gameplay

Demigod is a video game developed by Gas Powered Games for the PC platform. The game is best described as a RPG/RTS hybrid, significantly influenced by the popular Warcraft III custom map Defense of the Ancients, and it borrows from both of those genres. The game's title refers to the powerful player characters that battle for supremacy over various zones. The game is multiplayer-oriented and competitive in nature.